ALV English since 1992
透過沉浸式教學方式,ALV Chinese Academy創造一個模擬漢語真實生活開口就說漢語的環境,但「讀萬卷書,不如行萬里路」,ALV Chinese Academy 不定期舉辦漢語營隊,帶領學生們前往以說漢語為主的國家,如新加坡、中國、台灣等,透過遊學的方式,說漢語、認識大中華文化、遊歷不同國家的地理風情,度過難忘的漢語遊學行程。
Through an immersive teaching method, ALV Chinese Academy creates an environment that simulates real-life Chinese speaking. However, "it is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books." ALV Chinese Academy holds Chinese camps from time to time and leads students to countries where Chinese is the main speaker, such as Singapore, China, Taiwan, etc., to use study tours to speak Chinese, understand Greater Chinese culture, travel to different countries’ geographical customs, and have an unforgettable Chinese study tour.